  Graciela Chichilnisky
岗位职称: 教授
行政职务: 哥伦比亚大学经济系
研究领域: 国际经济学、发展经济学
教授课程: 国际经济学、发展经济学
电子邮箱: gc9@columbia.edu

Chichilnisky教授目前任职于美国哥伦比亚大学经济系,主要研究方向是国际经济学和发展经济学,她是哥伦比亚大学风险管理委员会(CCRM)主任,曾在IMFWorld BankUNESCOUNEP和欧盟委员会任职,是美国数学协会、美国经济协会、美国统计学协会会员,莫纳什大学杰出教授,多家国际顶级学术刊物的编委会成员。Chichilnisky教授致力于环境保护与可持续发展的国际政策研究与协调,是联合国国际贸易问题专家、全球气候变化问题专家,《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的起草人,被美国时代杂志评选为影响全球环境政策的杰出人物。


High School: Instituto National de Lenguas Vivas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

No undergraduate studies

PhD Program in Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

PhD Program in Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley Degrees: MA, PhD in Mathematics, Thesis title: Lifting Action on Spin Manifolds, PhD Adviser: Professor Jerrold Marsden

PhD Program in Economics, University of California, Berkeley Degree: PhD in Economics, Thesis title: Manifolds on Preferences and Equilibria, PhD Adviser: Professor Gerard Debreu, Nobel Laureate in Economics


2011 – Member, Board of Advisors, The Capital Institute, New York

2011- Executive Advisory Board, The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia Business School

2010 -  Advisor to the Climate Bonds Initiative, London, United Kingdom

2010 – Member, Board of Advisors, Green Economic Institute, Oxford University, UK

2010 – Distinguished Guest Professor, Nankai University, China

2010 – Distinguished Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

2009 – Managing Director, Board of Directors Global Thermostat

2009 – Consultant to the European Environmental Agency (EEA) of the European Union

2009 – Scientific Editor for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Geneva

2009 – Consultant to World Bank “International Perspective on Gender Gap” Project

2008-2012 Principal Investigator, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) project, “Optimal Statistical Decisions with Catastrophic Risks” (FA-9550-09-1-0467)

2008 – 2012 Senator, Columbia University, New York

2007 – 2011 Sir Louis Matheson Distinguished Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

1998 – Director, Columbia Consortium for Risk Management (CCRM) Columbia University, New York

1996 – Professor of Statistics, Columbia University Tenured since 1996

1995 – 2008 UNESCO Professor of Mathematics and Economics

1994 – Director, Program on Information and Resources (PIR)

1979 – Professor of Economics, Columbia University Tenured since 1979


2012 Speaker, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and the University of Catania’s (UNICT) 2012 Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics, Belpasso, Sicily, Italy, September 2-8

2012 Keynote Speaker, North Shore Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Legal Action Fund luncheon, “Sex and the Ivy League” Great Neck, NY, April 26

2012 Speaker, Duncan  Foley Festschrif,  “Markets with Black Swans”, New School, New York City, April 20th

2012 Keynote Speaker, “A current perspective on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) initiatives in UK and Europe”, Calgary Economic Development, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 9

2012 Keynote Speaker, “The Kyoto Protocol Carbon Market” Confluence Philanthropy Practitioners Meeting, Cavallo Point, Sausalito, CA, January 26.

2011 Major Keynote Speaker “History and Future of Economics and Its Methodology,” Reform of Economics Workshop at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom, November 19

2011 Speaker at “Calgary Clean Tech Summit,” Global Clean Energy Congress (GCEC), Calgary, Canada, November 2

2011 Speaker “Virgin Earth Challenge Conference,” Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, London, United Kingdom, October 26

2011 Keynote Speech at “Global Efforts Address Climate Change,” Sci-Fest Presentation, St. Louis Science Center, St. Louis, Missouri, October 22

2011 Presentation at “The Global Commons,” Center in Political Economy Seminar Series, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, October 21

2011 Keynote Speech at Back2Black Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 27

2011 “Carbon Negative Technology Panel” at American Renewable Energy Day, Aspen, Colorado, August 18-21

2011 Keynote Speech on “A Brief History of Western Civilization” at New York University, June 15.

2011 Keynote Speech on Plenary Panel of CO2 Utilization Workshop, UC Berkeley, California, February 17-18

2010 Panelist “Reality Check – Information & Communication Technologies for Development: what is holding us back,” United Nations, Yas Marina Circuit, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 5

2010 Panel Moderator at “Broadband Networks and Smart Grids at the Crossroad between ICT and Energy,” CITI Conference, Columbia University, New York, December 3

2010 Panelist on “Second Encounter: The Challenge of Perserving Life,” Encuentro en Mexico: Construyendo Futuros, Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, Mexico, October 20.

2010 Keynote Speaker at Financial Times Conference on Sustainable Banking Renaissance Chancery Court Hotel, London, United Kingdom, June 3

2010 Keynote Speaker “Sex and the Ivy League” American Association of University Women of New Jersey Annual,  Forsgate Country Club, New Jersey, April 17

2010 Headline speaker at “Names Not Numbers” Second annual Editorial Intelligence symposium known as ‘British Davos’ – Rock Royalty, Business Leaders and Global Gurus, Portmeirion, North Wales, February 26-28

2010 Special lecture – “What Happened in Copenhagen” Alcazar, Marseille Public Library, Organized by Université de la Méditerranée, Greqam-Idep and cosponsored by Université Montpellier – LAMETA, Marseille, France, February 5

2009 Main Keynote Address – “Saving Kyoto: Copenhagen: Do or Die” at the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce – The Greek Economy Conference, Athens, Greece, November 30

2009 Opening Keynote Speech – “Preparing for Copenhagen: Saving Kyoto” at The Green Economics Institute conference on “Greening the Economy,” Oxford University Club, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. November 28, 2009

2009 Keynote Address and Organizer – “The Rising Tide at Copenhagen: A Win-Win Solution for Industrialized and Developing Nations” at United Nations Headquarters, New York, forum on “Developing Technical and Financial Solutions for the Survival of Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Looking Beyond Copenhagen” Cosponsored by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and the Columbia Consortium for Risk Management (CCRM), November 12

2009 Keynote Speech – “The Gender Gap” at 24orMore International Conference on Increasing the Labour Participation of Women, Warehouse de Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 5

2009 Keynote Speech, The Aspen Institute – Water Planted Dialogue, Wye River Conference Center, Queenstown, Maryland, October 20-23

2009 Keynote Speaker at Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies Colloquium  on Global Environmental Change and Its Impact on Human Societies, Geneva, Switzerland, October 8-9

2009 Public Lecture: “Saving Kyoto” at Festival of Ideas, The Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, United Kingdom, October, 2

2009 World Economic Forum, Global Risk Brainstorming Session, The Gore Hotel, London, United Kingdom, October 1

2009 Public Lecture: “Saving Kyoto: Copenhagen and Beyond,” Royal Society of Arts (RSA), London, United Kingdom, October 1

2009 Keynote Speaker: “Climate Change: Are we headed for a New Cold War?,” London School of Economics (LSE), Old Theatre, Old Building, London, United Kingdom, October 1

2009 Keynote Lecture: “What is Sustainability?” INFER Workshop – Sustainable Public Finances in a Turbulent Global Economy, Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 29

2009 Keynote Speech: “Green Economics: Can it Avert Another Cold War” at 4th Annual Green Economics Conference, Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK July 31

2009 Keynote Speech: “How to Overcome the China – US Impasse in the Global Climate Negotiations” at Expert Meeting on Trade and Climate Change: Trade and Investment Opportunities and Challenges under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Geneva, Switzerland, April 27- 29

2009 Keynote Speaker, “Beyond the Global Divide: From Basic Needs to the Knowledge Revolution,” Gosnell Lecture Series, Golisano Auditorium, Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Liberal Arts, Rochester, New York, April 14

2009 Keynote Speaker and Organizer of one day event at US Congress, US Senate “Sustainable Energy and Environment Caucus” with participation 37 members of the House of Representatives, Cannon Building, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, March 31

2009 Panelist, “Environment & Development”, Energy Impact Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, March 16-17

2008 Keynote on Address to Members of Australian Parliament on “Emissions Trading and Climate Change at the House of Parliament,” Melbourne, Australia, November 12

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Extreme Uncertainty & the Value of Life,’ Seminar Series in Economics at Greqam University of Aix-Marseille, December 15

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Sustainable Development – Cost Benefit Analysis Balancing the Present and the Future,’ University of Montpellier, December 10

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Tecnologia y el Sistema Productivo,’ 8th Congreso de Economia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 19

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Averting Climate Change: New Financial Mechanisms and Technologies,’ Governance, Organizations and Regional Development Conference, Deakin University,  Melbourne, Australia, August 1

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Financial Mechanisms and New Technologies: Bridging the Gap between Industrial and Developing Nations in the Global Climate Negotiations,’ Monash University, Workshop on Emissions Trading for Australia, August 1

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Energy Security and Climate Change: Financial Mechanisms and New Technologies,’ Fundacion Rafael Del Pino, Rafael Calvo 39, 28010, Madrid, Spain, July 8

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘Global Financial Mechanisms for International Payments for Ecosystem Services: Watersheds, Forests, DNA & Indigenous Knowledge, and the Global Spectrum,’ First UNEP Working Group Meeting on Economics, Kenya, May 6-8

2008 Keynote Speech on ‘The Carbon Market, Past and Future,’ Carbon Finance North America 2008, New York, June 4-6

2008 Radio Interview, “Understanding Carbon Markets,” The Sound Of Ideas, hosted by Dan Moulthrop, National Public Radio, Cleveland, Ohio, June 4

2008 Keynote Speech on “Regional Development & Catastrophic Risks of Natural Events,” Asamblea Annual de Economistas de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, August 22

2008 Keynote Speech, Global Convention on Climate Change, Palampur, India HP, May 30-June 1

2008 Keynote Speech, COP9 Convention of Biological Diversity, Bonn, Germany, May 24

2007 Institute Environment Seminar, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund, “Policies to Counteract Global Warming Financial Markets Can Overcome the China US Impasse Market,” October

2007 IMF Presentation, “Climate Change: Financial Innovation And The Carbon Market,” June

2007 Organizer & Bi-partisan Briefing in US Congress, “Energy Security and Climate  Change in the Americas,” Cannon House Building, Capitol Hill, Washington DC, May 23

2007 Senior Advisor to President Robert Shelton, University of Arizona

2007 “Speaking Out For Justice” Award from Feminists Against Academic Discrimination (FAAD)

2006, 2007 Co-Chair of Latin Economic Forum at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, April 2006, September 2007

2006 Invited Presentation “The Topology of Fear,” University of Kansas, Laurence, Kansas. September 18-20

2006 Invited Presentation “Non-Parametric Estimation in Hilbert Spaces,” University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom

2006 Special Advisor, President Oscar Arias, Costa Rica

2006 Listed in Top Ten Most Influential Latinos in the US, Hispanic Business Magazine

2006 Reviewer for the Program Committee of the 3rd World Congress of Environmental Economists, Kyoto, Japan, July 3-7

2006 Special Advisor, Plenary of the World Federation for United Nations Associations (WFUNA), July

2006 Elected Member of Columbia University Faculty Senate, July

2006 Senior Advisor Member of Board of Advisors, Flandrau Science Center, University of Arizona

2006 Executive Director, Global Education, European American Women Council (EAWC)

2006 Invited presentation Non-Parametric Estimation in Hilbert Spaces Conference in Honor of Rex Bergstrom, University of Essex, Wivenhoe House, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom, May 24-25

2006 Keynote Speaker (with Finn Kydland, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economics), Global Finance and Latin America: Financial Innovation and the Kyoto Protocol, Global Finance Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 26-27

2006 Co-Chair, Second Annual United Nations Forum on Latin America, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, New York, April 19-20

2006 Invited Lecture, “Science and the Division of Labor,” City University of Hong Kong Department of Economics

2006 Invited Lecture, “Beyond the Global Divide: From Basic Needs to the Knowledge Revolution,” Chinese University of Hong Kong MBA Program, China, March

2006 Invited Lecture, “Global Finance and the Kyoto Protocol,” Chinese University of Hong Kong Departments of Economics and Business, China, March

2005 Member of the Social Science Research Council Group on Privatizing Risk, and Invited Speaker at the Center for American Progress, Washington DC, December

2005 Invited Lecture, “Axioms of Choice and the Equity Premium Puzzle,” Mathematics Finance Seminar, Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, October

2005 Keynote Speaker, “Axioms of Choice and Rare Events,” General Equilibrium Conference in Honor of Gerard Debreu (Nobel Laureate in Economics), University of California at Berkeley, California, October

2005 Keynote Speaker, “The Gender Gap,” International School for Economic Research (ISER), University of Siena, Italy, July 3-4

2005 Chair and Keynote Speaker (with Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland) on Globalization of Finance and Europe, 12th Annual Global Finance Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, June 27-29

2005 Selected As Leading Thinker, Kiel Institute’s Leading Thinkers in Global Economics Affairs, Kiel, Germany, June 24-25

2005 Keynote Speaker, “Beyond the Global Divide,” International Conference on Business Management and Economics in a Changing World, Yasar University, Turkey, June 16-19

2005 Invited to deliver First Lecture in Honor of Gerard Debreu (Nobel Laureate in Economics), General Equilibrium Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland, May 21-22

2005 Invited Seminar Speaker, “Beyond the Global Divide: From Basic Needs to the Knowledge Revolution,” Ecole Polytechnique, Institute du Development Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI), Paris, May 17

2005 Executive Director, Global Education, European American Women Council (EAWC)

2005 Member, Villa Mondragone Association, Rome, Italy

2005 – 2007 Trustee, Mediterranean College, Athens, Greece

2004 Invited presentation, “Sex and the Ivy League,” American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Florida Women Lawyers Association, Miami, Florida, November 21

2004 Invited Seminar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Davis, California, October 15

2004 Invited Address, “Volatility and the Knowledge Economy,” Meeting in Honor of David Cass, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, October 10

2004 Presentation on Global Network of Science Centers and Job Training to the Executive Board of Directors, Flandrau Science Center, University of Arizona, Arizona, September 20

2004 Presentation to Radio Program Straightalk, National Public Radio, Miami, Florida, USA

2004 Senior Advisor, Flandrau Science Center, University of Arizona, Arizona

2004 Keynote Speaker, Special Address to the Florida Association of University Women and the Florida Women Lawyers Association, Miami, Florida, October

2004 Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management, University of Toronto, Canada

2004 Invited Speaker, Conference in Honor of Dave Cass, University of Pennsylvania Department of Economics, October 8-10

2004 Invited Speaker, Workshop of Time Preferences (organized by Professor Karl Vind), University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 21-23

2004 Keynote Speaker, “Sex and the Ivy League,” Florida State Convention of American Association of University Women (AAUW), Orlando, Florida, April 30-May 2

2004 Invited Address, “The Greening of Bretton Woods,” Symposium of Environmental Policies in Decentralized Governmental Systems: A Blueprint for Optimal Governance, Porto Coute Ricerche Center, Sardinia, Italy, March 17-20

2004 Invited Address, “The Mathematics of Diversity,” Brown Symposium for Undergraduates in Mathematical Sciences (SUMS) sponsored by National Science Foundation, Brown University Department of Mathematics, February 28

2004 Invited Address, “Sex and the Ivy League,” Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), Brown University, February 27

2004 Panelist, United Nations Panel of Women Leaders, United Nations, New York, March 8-9

2003 Keynote Lecture, Twelfth International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Applications, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-17

2003 Keynote Speaker, Columbia University & Faculty Women, New York State Convention, American Association of University Women (AAUW), Islandia, New York, April 25-27

2003 Keynote Speaker, Columbia University & Faculty Women, Pennsylvania State Convention, American Association of University Women (AAUW), State College, Pennsylvania, April 4-6

2003 Special Lecturer, Global Environment and the World Economy for the course “Science and Society,” Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York, April 28

2003 Keynote Speaker, Five Lectures on International Markets, Biosphere and Society to a group of Scandinavian Universities, University of Southern Denmark Department of Environmental and Business Economics, Denmark, March 14-18

2002 Invited Speaker, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Department of Economics, October 31

2002 Invited Speaker for the graduate course “Earth-Human Systems Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,” Columbia University, New York, Fall

2002 Presentation at Trade Execution Congress, Crowne Plaza, New York City, New York, April 15-16

2002 Invited Lecturer, Organizing Committee of the Eleventh International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 12-17

2002 Invited Professor, “Globalization and the Environment,” Summer School, University of Siena, Italy, June 16-21

2002 Invited Lecturer and Visiting Academic, Deakin University, Australia, July

2002 Invited Lecturer, University of Wollongong, Australia, August

2002 Invited Lecturer, Australian National University, Australia, August

2001 Chairman, The Enhanced Indexing Summit (Organized by The Institute for International Research), San Diego, California, October 15-17

2001 Guest Speaker, “New Risk Instruments for Global Markets,” Forum on Operational Risk Management (Organized by The Institute for International Research), New York City, New York, July 30-31

2001 Invited Speaker, “Exploring Strategies and Technologies Poised to Catapult the Securities Industry to ‘T+0’,” Straight Through Processing Forum (Organized by The Institute for International Research), New York City, New York, June 25-26

2001 Keynote Speaker, “The Economic Value of the Earth Resources” (published in The Biodiversity Crisis Losing What Counts, New York Press, 2001) The Biodiversity Crisis, University of Toronto, Canada

2001 Chairman and Organizer, International Conference Catastrophic Environmental Risks, 2001, Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada, Presentation published as An Axiomatic Approach to Choice under Uncertainty in Topology and Social Choice

2000 Invited Lecturer, “Hedging Chaotic Risks,” Universita degli Studi di Roma Department of Mathematics, La Sapienza, Italy, October

2000 Columbia Center for Risk Management Chaired Board Meeting of Reinsurance Companies Supporting the Columbia Center for Risk Management (Karaindros Marine Hull, LaSalle Ltd, Wills Faber, Renaissance Re, Centre Insurance), and Mini Course on Risk Management, Columbia University, New York, August 3

2000 Chair and Organizer, The Green Hand, Are Efficient Markets the Path to Sustainable Development?, Reuters Forum, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, New York, May 3

1999 Keynote Address, XII World Congress of the International Economics Association, Buenos Aires, August 23-27

1999 Keynote Address, “General Equilibrium: Problems, Prospects, and Alternatives,” 12th Workshop of the International School of Economic Research, Siena, Italy, July

1999 Three Distinguished Lectures (Pegram Lectures), Biosphere and Society,Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, Long Island, New York. March 12, 15, and 17

1998 Keynote Address, “Advances in Emissions Trading,” Third International Symposium on Global Accords for Sustainable Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sept 4

1998 National Academy of Sciences Public Lecture on Biosphere and Society, June

1998 Presentation to the US Congress Technology Committee, “Emissions Trading and Economics Efficiency,” White House, Washington DC, June

1998 Keynote Address, “Clean and Sustainable Industrial Development,” Presentation to the General Assembly of UNIDO Meeting on Industrialization in the 21st Century, Vienna, May

1998 Organized and Led the International Conference  “Kyoto to Buenos Aires: Technology Transfer and Emissions Trading” at Columbia Earth Institute, Italian Academy, New York, April 24-26

1998 Organized Executive Course on Finance and Insurance for Columbia on Risk Management, 2000 at Centre Solutions, Inc, Hamilton, Bermuda, March 13 18

1998 Hosted Distinguished Lectures on the Global Environment, Program on Information and Resources (PIR), Columbia University (with the participation of Ralph Gomory, Director of the Sloan Foundation, Professor Lynn Margulis of the University of Massachusetts, and Raul Estrada Oyeula Esq, Chair of the Negotiating Committee of the Kyoto Protocol, United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCC)), March 31, April 15, 28

1998 Keynote Address, “The Knowledge Revolution: Updating Property Rights,” Missouri Botanical Garden Conference on Managing Human Dominated Ecosystems, St. Louis, Missouri, March

1998 – 2000 IPCC Meetings Lead Author, Attended Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Meetings, Toronto, Canada, Washington DC, and Tucson, Arizona

1997 Keynote Address, “Markets with Endogenous Uncertainty,” Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society, Melbourne, Australia, July

1997 Invited Lecturer, “Chaotic Risks,” IBM Research Division, Yonkers, New York, June

1997 Lectured at the Smithsonian Institution on Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites, Washington DC

1996 Keynote Address, “The Future of Global Reinsurance,” Independent Reinsurance Underwriters Association of the USA, New Jersey, September 9

1996 Keynote Presentation, “Environmental Markets: Equity and Efficiency,” New York University Law School Workshop at Villa La Pietra, Florence, Italy, July 22

1996 Plenary Address, “A Topological Invariant for Competitive Markets,” Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Athens, Greece, July 10- 17

1996 Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop on Catastrophic Environmental Risks, The Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, June

1996 Distinguished Lectures on Managing the Global Environment: Between Equity and Efficiency, University of Paris Nanterre, EHESS, and CIRED, Paris, France, June 19-27

1996 Invited Address, “Property Rights in Markets for Knowledge,” American Economic Association Yearly Meetings, San Francisco, California, January

1995 Member, Review Panel on Mathematical Science Education, National Science Foundation, June

1995 Invited Speaker and Session Chair on Topology & Resource Allocation, Conference on Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications, Cephalonia, Greece, May 22-28

1995 Keynote Plenary Address, “Markets with Emissions Trading: the Case for an International Bank for Environmental Settlements,” The Third Annual World Bank Conference on Effective Financing of Environmentally Sustainable Development, The World Bank, Washington DC, October 5

1995 Leif Johansen Award, “Endogenous Uncertainty & Resource Allocation,” University of Oslo, Norway, March

1995 Invited Speaker, Topics in Mathematical Finance, Colloquium, Columbia University Department of Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, April

1995 Invited Speaker, “Perspectives of General Equilibrium Analysis,” Colloquium in Honor of Frank Kahn’s Seventieth Birthday, University of Siena Department of Political Economy, Siena, Italy, April

1994 Keynote Speaker, “Trade Regimes and GATT,” CIDEI, University of Rome, La Sapienza, December

1994 – 1998 Member, Board of Trustees, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), New York

1994 David Kinley Distinguished Lecture, “Global Environmental Policy: Equity and Efficiency,” University of Illinois, Illinois, November 28

1994 Invited Speaker, “Limited Arbitrage, Gains from Trade and Social Diversity: a Unified Perspective on Resource Allocation,” University of California at Irvine, California, August

1994 Plenary Speaker, “Markets With Endogenous Uncertainty,” FUR VII OLSO Foundation of Uncertainty and Risk, July

1994 Invited Speaker, “What is Sustainable Development?,” Conference on Incommensurability and Value, Chateau du Baffy, Normandy, France, April

1994 Invited Speaker, Conference on Biological Diversity: Exploring the Complexities, University of Arizona, Arizona, March

1994 Invited Speaker, “A Unified Perspective on Resource Allocation,” International Economic Association Round Table on Social choice, Schloss Hernstein, Vienna, Austria, May

1994 Invited Speaker, “Property Rights, North-South Trade, and the Global Environment,” Conference on Agricultural Trade and the Environment: Understanding and Measuring the Critical Linkages, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium and the US Agency for International Development, Toronto, Canda, June 17-18

1994 Invited Minicourse, “Topology and Markets,” The Fields Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Canada, August

1994 Keynote Speaker, “Meanings of Equity,” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), UNEP, Nairobi, Kenya, July

1994 Contributed Author IPCC, Equity and Social Considerations

1994 Keynote Speaker, “Markets With Emission Permits: Equity and Efficiency,” Ivon Conference on the Environment, Beijer Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Ivon, Sweden, May

1994 Invited Speaker, “Intersecting Families of Sets,” Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of California Berkeley, February

1994 – 1995 Salinbemi Chair, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

1994 Invited Speaker, “Arbitrage, Gains from Trade and Social Diversity: A Unified Perspective on Resource Allocation,” American Economic Association Yearly Meetings, Boston, January 3-5

1993 Invited Speaker, “A Topological Interpretation of Hirsch’s Monotone Dynamics,” Hirsch Symposium, Midwest Dynamical Systems Seminar, University of California Berkeley, California, October 24

1992 Invited Speaker, “The Topology of Markets and Games,” European Congress of Mathematicians, Satellite Seminar on Mathematics and Economics, Chaired by Gerard Debreu, Paris, July 4

1991 – 1993 Siena Fellowship, Monti di Pashi di Siena, University of Siena, Italy

1991 Newcombe Foundation and ODE, Honor Society in Economics Award: Most Distinguished Women Economist, Tulane University, Louisiana

1985 – 1986 Awarded National Science Foundation Professorship, University of California Berkeley Department of Mathematics

1983 – 1984 Rockefeller Foundation, International Relations Award at Columbia University

1977 Fellowship, Banco Central de la Republica Argentina

1968 – 1969 Ford Foundation Fellowship for Studies in Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
